‘Life is full of ups and downs, turns and twists…..’

Art and design is an area of love and interest for me and my career has also revolved around it too! This last year I have been going through some major life changes but my salvation was art! I found painting to be a way of working through thoughts and issues I could not express. I also found that by joining an art group of fellow artists I found help and support as well as opportunities to develop skills I only dreamed of developing.
I have been quite busy working on new projects, meeting new people and gaining a new network of friends and colleagues in the new area I have moved too. I also have been volunteering with an art organisation called Escape, joined a stitch group, organised and decorated a 30th birthday party, gave talks about my career to schools and colleges, had artwork in gallery exhibitions, been on the organising committee for the Open Arts Trail, re-set up my business, starting to run workshops and gaining new teaching positions………and breathe!
It has sometimes been fraught and stressful, other times rewarding and fun but there was always art to keep me sane and happy!

Author: Sadie Read

"I love to find art everywhere and in everything". Designer, Artist, Educator and all round creative!