Vegetable Art Workshop
Across the February half term I had great fun running three Vegetable Art Workshops, at the Graham Adams Centre in Southam. Working with a great team (some of which were volunteers including my own children) we had lots of young, eager artists arrive for a day of creativity with their mums, grandparents and guardians.
After a quick demonstration of some of the techniques they all got stuck into the different activities on offer. The children were colouring, creating vegetable prints, using wax and resist, block printing, creating vegetable faces and using collage. Running throughout the day, the children could also have a go at silk screen printing onto reusable fabric shopping bags to take away. This was exciting for children and parents alike as everyone took turns to create their own printed masterpiece.
After watching me demonstrate, the children started by choosing which colour and design they wanted to print on their bags and then considered the placement of the design. The amazement on the children’s faces as the image appeared on their bags is one of my favourite moments of the week.
The centre put on a light healthy vegetable inspired lunch as part of the workshop. This was devoured each day by hungry artists before getting back, refuelled, to complete the activities they had not tried before the break.
Through the week a gallery of work was completed and displayed on the wall of the Graham Adams centre, to show off everyone’s talented results to visitors during Friday’s Fun Day.
I would like to thank everyone who helped during the workshops, especially as I lost my voice and could only whisper on some days! I would like to also thank one young lady called Katie who helped me on Monday print with the children, as well as clean and dry the screens throughout the day, you were brilliant!