February, where did it go?

I have had such a busy month teaching and running workshops that this month has just disappeared. It has also been filled with snow days, very cold temperatures and I have also fitted in time to attend a pencil drawing class run by Roger Elsegood and a painting workshop with Andy Sargent! I also worked with my students on ‘The Green Hearts Project’ and visited two fabulous art exhibitions; Manhole Covers at Nuneaton Museum & Art Gallery and the ‘Coming Out’ exhibition at Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery.  If you follow me on Facebook and Instagram you will have been following my antics but here are a few images and information to catch you up!

Escape Arts Strafford upon Avon at the Old Slaughter House asked me to run a workshop with one of their groups. Using a wide range of techniques the group worked on garments that tell a story inspired by Escape Arts theme ‘Beneath our Feet’. We took a piece of clothing using a wide range of techniques to create individual fine art pieces. The final piece is going to be a ‘Washing line’ of work blowing in the wind. They will all be linked to each other but separate, rooted to the ground by the washing line posts…… and because past or present we all need to dry our washing! Watch this space to see the final display later this year.

Also I was very proud to be asked to be a part of Art Alerts ‘10 Days of Art’. On Friday 16th of February I held a Tea Bag Art workshop at the Station Gallery at Nuneaton Train Station. It was attended by a few people I knew and a few that were new to the Gallery, covering a wide age range. It was a wonderful calm afternoon of experimentation with teabags, wax, ephemera and imagination. As a group we made tags and work which could be stitched onto a card. Everyone made lots of exciting pieces and went home inspired to do more. Some had Googled teabag art and arrived prepared with their teabags from home. Some made pieces that represented someone personally (and they were going to produce a birthday card for them), others just enjoyed playing creatively…

On both occasions I thoroughly enjoyed teaching and meeting wonderful groups of people…… Oh and also having a little go myself.
So let’s see what this month brings!……Hopefully Spring and a little warmer weather!

Author: Sadie Read

"I love to find art everywhere and in everything". Designer, Artist, Educator and all round creative!