2021 Deja-vu!
Well, it’s 2021 and it’s started with a big blow! I can say that I am feeling adrift in a sea of insecurities and my creativity is rock bottom.
On the run up to Christmas I was creating Christmas spirit all over the house, inside and out! I really enjoyed it and shared my creations on my Insta account. Even though I had no visitors and my sons and boyfriend didn’t really care if I did or didn’t lol…I needed to. I am glad I did, as like most of us, this year’s Christmas was a bit different. Calmer, quieter and low key…but with wine!
On my Insta account I have been trying to be positive and have been looking back at the good things from 2020 (see photos below)and surprisingly there were many, even though the negatives were big. So now we face another big lock down and presently I have no idea how that is going to work this time, in regards to my job. Nobody knows what they are doing, is happening, or how to advise anyone. Not surprising everyone is feeling just a little low today.
I hope you are all looking after yourself and considering your wellbeing at a time of so much uncertainty. Keep looking towards nature and the fresh air, as much as working from home will allow, and take each day as it comes.