Found my mojo!

It’s been a while since I have posted on my website, and the reason for this is I have been busy changing my lifestyle choices. Yes…..changing and getting rid of what has been making me unhappy and causing me to lose my creative mojo!

These have been difficult choices for me to make and I needed the time to focus on it fully. However after implementing these changes I have now found my mojo again and feel a zest for life and creativity!

So what have I been doing….I have been on a course with embroidery artist Jessie Chorley in London, which was delightful.  I took part on the Embroidered Story Garment workshop and using threads, fabrics, stitch and a vintage child’s garment created a wonderful sample of textile creativity. I met some wonderful people on the course and Jessie was an inspiration. Her shop is something special to be visited, it is full of wonderful handmade items in Jessie’s unique style and I thoroughly recommend it.

I also took part in ’10 days of sketch’ as part of the 10 years celebrations of the art group Art Alert, of which I am a member. This meant I had to do something creative every day. I did find it hard sometimes to find the time to draw but I really enjoyed taking part and was surprised at what I achieved in a few minutes a day.

I also booked on to a ‘Annie Sloan Chair Course’ with Jacki from Chalk and Linen It was a fabulous day learning not only painting techniques but how to re-upholster a chair correctly. We also were given a wonderful lunch and supplied with copious amounts of tea to keep us going through the day. Jacki’s shop is full of fabulous interior design pieces, a full range of Annie Sloan Paints, fabrics and loads more. I found it very interesting and informative and Jacki is a very patient teacher and helped me to complete a completed chair by the end of the day. I love it to bits and it is in pride of place at my desk ……actually I am sitting on it to write this post!

Finally I decided to leave full-time teaching and go back to my design roots. I missed actually creating and after 12+ years of teaching felt I had given enough of myself to the next generation of artist and designers. I am now a part-time design consultant designing kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms for a large company. Along side this I am continuing with my own business and teaching/running workshops as before, as well as developing a new area in interiors and vintage furniture. This is still work in progress presently but through the rest of this year will hopefully transform my life and take me where I want to be! So….watch this space! 

Author: Sadie Read

"I love to find art everywhere and in everything". Designer, Artist, Educator and all round creative!